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Approximately 90 minutes’ drive from the bustling city of Hangzhou (population +/- 9.2 Million) lies a small, country town nestled in the mountains. This area is home to many of Chinas largest nut roasting and processing companies. As I think back to some of my first visits to this area 5 years ago I am amazed at the growth of the nut industry in this area. The growth of the nut industry and the pecan demand in China is evident by all the new factory expansions some which will be ready before the upcoming season and others that will be a year out, with still longer terms expansion plans in the pipeline. While many of the pecan roasters are overseeing factory improvements, all pecan roasters are preparing for pecan buying season. With current stocks dwindling or non-existent, the roasters are eagerly awaiting the US Pecan harvest to begin the big push before the Chinese New Year celebrations.