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The American Pecan Council will be continuing its “Immersion Tour” here in the southeastern US. Earlier this year the American Pecan Council hired the international marketing firm Weber Shandwick to assist in the marketing activities of the American Pecan. Since coming on board the team at Weber Shandwick has spent time getting to know the ins and outs of the pecan industry so as to better understand the unique “American Pecan”. The groups immersion tour started in the southwestern pecan producing states and has moved eastward making many stops along the way to learn the process of planting, growing, harvesting, and processing the American Pecan. Now the group is in Georgia and has invited industry participants to join them for dinner and a presentation. The events will be held in Tifton, Georgia on November 7th and in Albany, Georgia on November 8th. More details about the event can be found on the APC website, the American Pecan Council does ask that anyone planning to attend RSVP in advance.