Export and domestic sales have been increasing in the pecan meat markets for quite some time now. This increased growth in sales has had effects throughout the pecan nut market, for both in-shell pecans and the pecan meat market. As pecan, cold storage supplies dwindle in the US and Mexico, pecan sheller’s say that this year’s harvest just couldn’t come soon enough.
As the 2017 US pecan harvest season is just gearing up in the early varieties, many pecan shellers are entering the In-shell pecan market earlier than originally expected in order to refill in-shell supplies which will soon be in their shelling plants, and on to the pecan meat market. Most large pecan shellers depend heavily on the western varieties to supply their plants with pecans for shelling, but the large majority of these varieties are harvested after thanksgiving each year. With the demand continuing to grow around the globe shellers are now entering the in-shell market earlier and earlier competing heavily with the growing in-shell export market.