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Western Pecan Growers to Meet in Las Cruces

The Western Pecan Growers Association will be holding its annual educational conference and industry meeting next week in Las Cruces, New Mexico at the Hotel Encanto de Las Cruces. The event will kick off Sunday evening with a welcome reception from 4-6pm.


Monday producers will hear updates on everything pecans. The morning session talks will be geared toward the agronomy and on the farm studies for producing quality pecans. Topics ranging from root stock studies, genetic improvements, Drip irrigation studies, weevils, stick-tights and everything in between, will round out the morning sessions. 


The afternoon session will shift toward the pecan market, and updates on market conditions and in various countries where US Pecan Growers are working to develop markets for pecans. Producers will hear from Mr. Brad Ellis and Ms. Janice Dees of the US Pecan Growers Council on past, current, and future marketing in the various countries handled by the US Pecan Growers Council. 


Mr. Jason New, a former international trade specialist, will cover the topic of India and the potential for pecan market development in the country. Mr. Jacob Arnold will cover the tariff topic for pecans entering India and the work being done in Washington to lower those tariffs. 

The evenings talks will end with Mr. Alex Ott, executive director of the American Pecan Council, updating western pecan growers on the work being done by American Pecans, the many projects underway and the progress being made in the industry.


Tuesday will wrap up the conference with more educational sessions and a growers panel to be held mid day. The event is well attended by growers from all over the region and will have many vendors available for growers to meet. 


For more information about the event, visit the Western Pecan Growers association website here.