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Pecan season in the southern United States has gotten well underway for a large majority of the US pecan growers. In the southeastern United States pecan growers with early varieties such as Pawnee (PWN) or Money Maker (MM) started as early as late September to early October. Pecan growers in these regions have completed almost half of their 2017-2018 harvest activities, but for western growers it’s a different story. Most growers in the western region of the pecan producing states won’t start harvesting until after thanksgiving, when the area usually has its first hard freeze.  This is common for the areas of west Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. This area is also a very large pecan producing area, growing mainly Western Schley (WSCH)and Wichita (WICH) varieties. Pecan growers in the western region say that the pecan crop looks good and harvest is expected to begin on time. The Mesilla Valley in New Mexico and west Texas is where a large portion of the western crop is produced. New Mexico in particular is fast becoming one of the largest pecan producing areas in the world, second only to South Georgia. As pecan harvest in the area draws near pecan buyers are anxious to see the size and quality of the crop.