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Last week we reported on the significant loss of the Louisiana pecan crop due to the adverse weather conditions in August during nut fill stage. Louisiana is predicting around a 50% plus crop reduction for this year. After that report went out, we were inundated with emails from pecan growers in Oklahoma and Texas stating that they too were seeing significant reduction in this year’s pecan crop. Various reports have come in stating that weather again was playing a major role in the crop loss and it would seem that many of the pecan growers in northern Texas and Oklahoma are reporting extended cloudy days without sunshine during the time when their crop needed sunshine. We will continue to investigate these issues from growers in these regions and report back when we have more information about the definite causes of these pecan crop shortages. Thankfully for the US and foreign markets, so far the western crop is looking good and hopefully can help fill the supply gap left in some areas. With demand around the globe continuing to trend upward the world needs a large pecan crop to keep supply steady.