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Pecan Shipments Up 3.8% Over Last Season

The American pecan industry has continued its historic rise in the health food, snacking and ingredients industries as pecan growers continue to improve their marketing both at home and abroad. 


The pecan industry has been stifled for years by geography and dishonest brokers in seeking to keep growers from uniting their industry. That all changed nearly a decade ago when pecan growers formed a board to oversee marketing pecans. The US Pecan Growers Council has had an enormous effect on the industry by finding new markets around the globe who are interested in the health benefits of pecan consumption. 


Now under the umbrella of the American Pecan Council the US Pecan Growers Association continues its work in key markets around the globe, but the majority of growth in the pecan industry has recently come from right here at home in the domestic market.


American pecan growers like many other farmers, took a big hit when China began imposing tariffs on key agricultural products from the US. While the newly imposed 47% tariff on US Pecans did halt exports to China, American growers had already been working in the domestic market for some time to improve its position in the domestic market. 


The continued market efforts by the American Pecan Council has paid off. While exports (especially to China) have dropped, domestic consumption of pecans has continued to rise, offsetting the huge losses in the export market. The domestic consumption has risen enough to keep shipments on the rise from last year’s record highs. 


To date, pecan shipments have outpaced last year by nearly 10 million pounds, an increase of 3.8% over last year. The continued increase in demand has been a surprise to many in the industry as the economic shut from Covid-19 has caused other industries to see significant decline. While certain sectors of the pecan industry have seen a decline in shipments, the retail sector has seen an increase in sales as more customers shift their purchasing habits.