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Pecan Shipments Up 27% Going Into Q3

Demand for pecans has shown improvement this season with shipments continuing to outperform last season pushing the total to just over a 27% increase over last season year to date. 


The American Pecan Council has launched multiple campaigns throughout this year and last year as the world went into lockdowns or rolling lockdowns as covid cases spiked. The APC utilized social media as one of their platforms to target consumers. 



Social media campaigns by the American Pecan Council have been key to their approach to get consumers to look differently at pecans as something to be used outside of the traditional pecan pie. A recent “clean up your  snacking” campaign featured tv star Angela Kinsey from the hit tv show “the office” challenging Americans to clean up their desk and their snacks with healthy plant proteins found in American Pecans. 


The use of social media has allowed the APC and marketers to target specific audiences and get their message across in a very effective manner. So far this year the American Pecan Council has reported pecan shipments of just over 202 million pounds, which is 58 million more pounds than reported at the same time last season. This increase represents a 27.2% increase in pecan shipments year to date. 


The pecan season runs from the earliest harvest of September and ends in August. Increased shipments are a welcomed sign for growers but have yet to translate into increased farm gate prices. In fact, farm gate prices are the lowest in a decade for the commercial market. A steady supply of pecan imports has prevented prices from climbing on the farm. Demand for pecans is on the rise and prices are bound to increase if this pace continues and could even cause concern for supply shortages if it continues faster than new plantings.