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Pecan Cold Storage Drops Nearly 27 Million Pounds

The USDA released the official pecan cold storage numbers for July in warehouses in the US, the numbers showed signs of increased consumption with the overall pecan holdings dropping just under 27 million pounds for the month of July from 261,947,000 to 235,096,000 pounds. When compared to the same time frame last year the decrease was only 17,770,000; while that may not sound significant, it is an increase of 51.1% more pecans shipped than the same time period last year. 



This is good news for the pecan industry that has, like other nuts in the US, suffered with trade issues. This July is however another record high for pecans in cold storage in the US. The next closest July was in 2013 with 232,051,000. The overall supply is expected to continue to increase over the next 20 years at an estimated rate of 6% per year which theoretically will make every month and year moving forward a new record year. The more interesting numbers are the shelled pecan cold storage numbers. Since February the shelled pecans in cold storage have stayed steady between 64 – 68 million pounds showing strong, stable consumption.



When comparing 2019 cold storage numbers to 2018, shelled pecan cold storage is up just under 66 million pounds year to date.