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On February 1, 2018 the global pecan community learned of an investigation into a Texas based pecan CO-OP that has been accused of stealing millions of dollars’ worth of pecans from pecan growers across the United States. The investigation has spread to multiple states affecting growers across more than 6 states in the US and rumors now surfacing that the investigation may lead to growers affected in Mexico as well.

The pecan CO-OP board members have refused to speak about the ongoing investigation, however the pecan CO-OP co-founder Dan Zedan has gone on the defensive for his co-op saying that there is no investigation into the pecan co-op and this is all simply a misunderstanding. Mr. Zedan says that this whole thing is simply a case of buyer remorse. “They made a choice, signed a contract and now have buyers remorse.” When we asked about the many growers that had come forward to PECANREPORT.COM with their story, Mr. Zedan says “ With that in mind, four or five of the states you’ve listed in your article as having member complaints are not even in the CO-OP and there are no members from those States. Therefore, if you’re getting someone from those states complaining, they’re flat out lying.” Mr. Zedan maintains that the pecan co-op has faithfully served its members. However, when we looked on the pecan co-op’s website we did notice a letter to members that falls in line with member complaints to us saying that they have not been paid. The letter to the members states that growers will be paid but the co-op does not know when. This was updated Jan 29, 2014, just over 4 years ago. We will continue to follow and report the investigation as it develops.