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The Georgia Pecan Growers Association is holding is fall field day today at the USDA research facility in Bryon, Georgia.

On this misty Thursday morning in middle Georgia pecan growers from all over the southeast converge on the USDA pecan research facility in Byron, Georgia to learn about best practices, new research and cultural practices for the growing of pecans in the Southeastern United States. The event will begin this morning at 9:30am with Dr. David Shapiro-Ilan of the USDA Agricultural Research Service giving talks on the research into biopesticides for the control of pecan weevils and other pests. At 10:00am Dr. Clive Bock will talk about bacterial leaf scorch in pecan trees in Georgia. At 11:00am Mr. Buddy Murphy will give pecan equipment demonstrations, afterwards Dr. Ted Cottrell will give an update on pecan aphid management, stick bugs, and pecan nutcase bearer and hickory shuck worm. The event will wind down with a sponsored lunch at the research facility.  Georgia is the largest pecan producing state in the entire US and has been the industry leader in many of today’s advancements of the US pecan industry. Today’s field day is held for the education of current pecan growers, as well as new market entrants looking to get a first-hand education about the management of commercial pecan orchards. Georgia is seeing a large influx of new pecan growers and the Georgia Pecan Growers Association is leading the way for education for the southeast. Several pecan growers we spoke with today said these meetings are invaluable for anyone in the pecan industry or thinking of getting into the industry. “We get to learn about everything from new scab management practices, to fertilization and everything in between”. Today’s fall field day is just one of several meetings held throughout the year by the Georgia Pecan Growers Association, for more information about this event and others in the area, you can contact the Georgia Pecan Growers Associations via their website or by stopping by their office in downtown Tifton, GA.