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Europe Purchases 44% of American Pecan Exports

The North American pecan industry is in the middle of growing season while pecan growers in the southern hemisphere are competing pecan harvest for 2019. While the US and Mexico produce the lion’s share of the world’s pecan supply, South Africa, is steadily gaining ground as the next largest supplier as more and more hectares come into production in places like Hartswater, and the surrounding areas. The American Pecan industry has taken the lead in data reporting, being the first to provide sound data to the pecan industry about pecan production, pecan purchases, and pecan exports. The APC recently released the May 2019 industry position report showing the current commitments and purchases of pecans. To date the American Pecan industry has reported total pecan shipments at 257,956,143 for the 9 months ended May 2019. Total pecan export shipments are at 84,506,949 and total pecan imports are at 88,562,800. The total pecan imports make up 34% of all shipments, and total pecan exports make up 33% of all pecan shipments. This information shows a strong domestic consumption, but a less than enthusiastic, commitment to American grown pecans. This is also partly due to a smaller domestic crop produced last season in the US, with Georgia (the largest pecan producer*) losing close to half of its production due to severe weather during harvest season. The pecan export market remains vibrant despite the numerous trade wars; Europe remains the top export market with just over 37 million pounds purchased from US pecan suppliers, making up 44% of the total export market for American Pecans. 


*with exception of recent year losses

**All figures are converted to In-shell (C2i)