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Demand for Pecans Continues to Outweigh Supply

The global pecan market continues to grow while prices on the farm have been less than desirable this year. The US / China trade war kicked off the price slump however, even without China being active in the market demand has continued to soar. Since September, the beginning of pecan season in North America, the US has committed to ship 588,239,200 pounds of pecans when converted to in-shell. Just over 500 million pounds of this total is committed as shelled meats, most of which is reported to be delivered here domestically in the US. Europe remains a large export market followed by Canada, and Mexico, most of which prefer shelled meats. Western Schley remains the largest pecan variety by production volume, most of which is produced in the western US and Mexico. The commitments to ship is good news for the pecan industry, showing that even without China purchasing large quantities of pecans from the US, demand is still very high. The other pecan production areas of the world such as South Africa, Australia, Argentina, and South America are about to begin harvest very soon. Several growers from these regions have sent in pictures of Pawnee already opening and the rest of production will follow closely. While pecan prices in the US have been largely affected by the absence of China in the market, other pecan producing regions have been able to capitalize on this shift in purchase due to the trade war. However, since the US is the driver behind most of the global pecan market, prices have only increased slightly in other regions.