To say that the 2017 pecan growing season has been a challenge would be an understatement. US Pecan growers have faced many obstacles throughout this season. Texas faced record flooding in the Houston area, while Georgia Pecan Growers lost an estimated 30 million plus pounds overall with some growers losing as much as 80% of their crop from the effects of tropical storm Irma. Some growers in Georgia are still cleaning up their orchards from all the down limbs and uprooted trees caused from the high winds of tropical storm Irma. However, many have finished cleanup and started harvesting. PAWNEE (PAW) and MONEY MAKER (MM) are the earlier varieties ready for harvest with most other varieties following closely behind. PAWNEE (PAW) growers in Georgia were slightly delayed due to the massive cleanup efforts undertaken just days before the harvest was set to begin. With demand for pecans continuing to climb around the globe, US Pecan Growers have been working round the clock to get orchards cleaned and harvest started. Georgia pecan growers, who seem to have been hit hardest by weather conditions this year, are still very optimistic, reporting that even though they have lost some of their crop, what is left is still of high quality.