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Domestic Pecan Consumption Up 32%

From September 2020 to April of 2021 pecan consumption has surged 32% here in the US with pecan shipment reports showing an increase of 41 million pounds in the US alone. 


Export shipments have also fared since last season reporting an increase of just over 15% or slightly over 13 million pounds. The good news comes after some of the worst years seen in more than a decade in the pecan industry as China had become an ever increasing market for pecans. 


The global pandemic has played a small role in the decreased exports with consumers shifting their purchasing habits and restaurants and other public venues seeing major cutbacks and rolling closures around the world. Pecan growers have handled the pandemic well and saw little if any disruption in the supply chain. 


Increased pecan consumption is welcomed news in the industry as growers continue to plant orchards to keep up with the increasing demand. China has re-entered the market and has begun buying in-shell and shelled pecan products again, however not nearly at the levels prior to the trade dispute between the US and China. 2017 saw the biggest exports to China with no sign of slowing until the trade war caused huge tariff increases. Now that the phase one trade deal has given buyers options to lower the trade tariffs on US pecans shipments have once again resumed. 



Increases in pecan exports are due to the increased purchases by Chinese buyers, while exports to various other countries are down slightly for the season. The increased interest from China has been enough to pull the export numbers back into positive territory. 


For the full report on domestic and export shipments click the link above.