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Pecan Exports Continue to Outperform Last Year

The American Pecan Council has released the latest position report showing pecan exports up 19% for the season when compared to the same time period last season. The pecan season runs from September and ends with the month of August. 


So far this year American pecan growers, shellers and handlers have shipped 78.5 million pounds of pecans, an increase of 14.8 million pounds for the year representing an increase of 19%. 



China’s return to the market has been a big driver behind the increase in pecan exports with Asia showing an increase of 41.33% over last year. China was the biggest increase in the Asian market, however South Korea is also becoming a buyer of American Pecans. The US Pecan Growers Council has been working in that market for several years and is now beginning to see some return on their investment. 


Exports to the Middle East are also showing signs of improvement with a 44% increase when compared to last season. So far this year exporters have shipped 6.3 million pounds to the Middle East as compared to 3.5 million as of March of 2020.


Overall pecan shipments are up according to today’s data, however the data seems to change quite frequently, and should be considered only valid until the next report is released or the APC updates the reports. According to the latest report overall pecan shipments are up 27% for the season with export shipments up 19% and domestic pecan shipments up 32%.


Pecan shipments are expected to continue to increase as demand for pecans is continuing to rise. Farm gate prices to growers are still low but with demand continuing to increase, prices on the farm will likely increase as well.