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Pecan Imports Down 20%

Pecan imports from Mexico are down 20% year to date based on US Customs and Border Patrol numbers as reported by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service. Each week the USDA AMS releases a Pecan Report with information from across the industry, and one of the highlights of the report is the pecan imports from Mexico.


These reported numbers allow industry participants to gain better insight into the market and the demand for pecans. While pecan imports have fallen from last years record breaking imports, the pecan imports are still very strong. With an average of 23-24 million pounds per month being imported into the US, pecan imports are still strong and finding demand here in the US. 


Pecan sales by US farmers are also lagging behind last year and slightly behind Mexican imports as well. In the Month of September US pecan farmers only delivered 3 million pounds while Mexican pecan growers sold just under 9 million pounds. October saw US pecan sales on the farm increase to 21 million pounds trailing just behind Mexican imports at just of 22 million pounds. 


Sales at the consumer level have been increasing with retail sales being reported up as much as 25-30% for several retailers. The cold storage figures show ample supply to satisfy the current demand, however with much of the native crop not being harvested this year, we could see a much tighter supply situation toward the later part of the season. 


To date the Mexican pecan imports have fallen by 20%, representing a decrease of just over 26 million pounds fewer pecans imported for the season.