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The American Pecan growers, shellers and accumulators have set a global precedence in the pecan industry in an effort to better understand the pecan supply situation in the US. The American Pecan industry has been collecting assessments from first handlers of pecans in order to fund studies and help promote the American Pecan. Another benefit of these assessments is the data collection of quantities and types of pecans produced in the US. The American Pecan industry has not released any data as of yet, but early signs point to larger crops than originally anticipated. If this turns out to be the case, and many industry insiders believe it will, this means that the demand for pecans is greater than originally anticipated and we are in fact higher on the demand trajectory than anyone originally expected. The real story will be told when the official data is released for the American pecan crop, but for now many believe we could be in a stronger market than originally anticipated.